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The OFFICIAL “Android Ashley” Lyrics

Android Ashley handwritten lyrics

It has come to my attention that a set of slightly inaccurate (and worse — though required by many lyric aggregation sites — unpunctuated) lyrics to “Android Ashley” have been cropping up across the Internet. Because my site analytics tell me that “android ashley lyrics” is by far the most popular Google search that drives traffic here, I thought I’d give the people what they want.

Read on for the full text of the song. (If you’re looking for music as well, click here.)

BML Guests on ‘The 29-Hour Podcast’

Check out the latest episode of my friends and fellow artists Julia Meinwald and Sam Heldt‘s show, The 29-Hour Podcast, a free-flowing conversation among makers of new musical theater. I join them to discuss (among many other topics) the Venn diagram of arts and engineering, online sincerity and the horror of self-marketing, and what exactly are dogs?

Subscribe via your favorite podcast interface or listen here!